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 >  Cell>4-1BB & CD16a >CK-006

Cell-based Screening Kit for Anti-human 4-1BB Antibody (Human CD16a (158V) High Expression)

For research use only.

CHEK-ATF073Human 4-1BB (Luc) HEK293 Reporter Cell2 Vials
SCCHO-ATP059HCHO/Human CD16a (158V) Stable Cell Line (High Expression) Development Service2 Vials


The Cell-based Kit consists of two engineered cell lines, Human 4-1BB (Luc) HEK293 Reporter Cell (Cat.No.CHEK-ATF073) and CHO/Human CD16a (158V) Stable Cell Line (High Expression) (Cat.No.SCCHO-ATP059H). The Human 4-1BB (Luc) HEK293 Reporter Cell was engineered to not only express NF-κB signaling response element, but also express the receptor full length human 4-1BB (Gene ID: 3604), which can drive luciferase expressing systems by 4-1BB ligand/ agonist antibody stimulation. The CHO/Human CD16a (158V) Stable Cell Line was engineered to express full length human CD16a (158V) receptor, with different levels of CD16a (158V) expression (High, Medium, Low), which can be used to test agonist antibody whether in a CD16a (158V)-dependent manner to strengthen the agonistic activity. When co-cultured with Human 4-1BB (Luc) HEK293 Reporter Cell and anti-4-1BB agonist antibody, the anti-4-1BB antibody can be crosslinked, thereby strengthening 4-1BB pathway-activated luminescence.


• Screen for Anti-human 4-1BB antibodies whether in a CD16a (158V)-dependent manner to strengthen the agonistic activity


Frozen in liquid nitrogen.

支原体检测(Mycoplasma Testing)


无菌检测(Sterility Testing)


使用说明(Instructions for Use)

See data sheet for detailed culturing and assay protocol.


Receptor Assay

4-1BB & CD16a FACS

Expression analysis of human 4-1BB on Human 4-1BB (Luc) HEK293 Reporter Cell by FACS. Cell surface staining was performed on Human 4-1BB (Luc) HEK293 Reporter Cell or negative control cell using PE-labeled anti-human 4-1BB antibody.


4-1BB & CD16a FACS

Expression analysis of human CD16a on CHO/Human CD16a (158V) Stable Cell Line by FACS.
Cell surface staining using PE-labeled anti-human CD16a antibody was performed on CHO/Human CD16a (158V) Stable Cell Line with different expression levels: CHO/Human CD16a (158V) Stable Cell Line (Low Expression); CHO/Human CD16a (158V) Stable Cell Line (Medium Expression); CHO/Human CD16a (158V)





4-1BB is also known as CD137, tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 9 (TNFRSF9), induced by lymphocyte activation (ILA), is a co-stimulatory molecule of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor superfamily. CD137 can be expressed by activated T cells, but to a larger extent on CD8 than on CD4 T cells. In addition, CD137 expression is found on dendritic cells, follicular dendritic cells, natural killer cells, granulocytes and cells of blood vessel walls at sites of inflammation. The best characterized activity of CD137 is its costimulatory activity for activated T cells. Crosslinking of CD137 enhances T cell proliferation, IL-2 secretion survival and cytolytic activity. Further, it can enhance immune activity to eliminate tumors in mice. CD137 can enhance activation-induced T cell apoptosis when triggered by engagement of the TCR/CD3 complex. In addition, 4-1BB/4-1BBL co-stimulatory pathway has been shown to augment secondary CTL responses to several viruses, and meanwhile augment anti-tumor immunity. 4-1BB thus is a promising candidate for immunotherapy of human cancer. CD137 has been shown to interact with TRAF2.


Permits & Restrictions

This cell line is provided for research use only. It is not intended for any animal or human therapeutic use, any human or animal consumption, or any diagnostic use. You are not allowed to share, distribute, sell, modify, sublicense, or otherwise make this cell line available for use to other laboratories, departments, research institutions, hospitals, universities, or biotech companies. AcroBiosystems does not warrant the suitability of this cell line for any particular use, and does not accept any liability in connection with the handling or use of this cell line.



+86 400-682-2521(全国)


