Glypican 2分子别名
Glypican 2,GPC2
Glypican 2分子背景
Glypican 2 (GPC2), also known cerebroglycan, is a glycophosphatidylinositol-linked integral membrane heparan sulfate proteoglycan found in the developing nervous system. Cerebroglycan participates in cell adhesion and is thought to regulate the growth and guidance of axons. Cerebroglycan has especially high affinity for laminin-1. GPC2 silencing inactivates Wnt/β-catenin signaling and reduces the expression of N-Myc, an oncogenic driver of neuroblastoma tumorigenesis. Immunotoxins and chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells targeting GPC2 inhibit neuroblastoma growth in mouse models. A GPC3 specific antibody drug conjugate (ADC) can also inhibit neuroblastoma cell proliferation.