H-2Kd & B2M & RSV F glycoprotein (KYKNAVTEL)分子别名
H-2Kd & B2M & RSV F glycoprotein (KYKNAVTEL)
H-2Kd & B2M & RSV F glycoprotein (KYKNAVTEL)分子背景
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a major cause of respiratory disease in infants and the elderly. The two major glycoproteins on the surface of the RSV virion, the attachment glycoprotein (G) and the fusion glycoprotein (F), control the initial phases of infection. G targets the ciliated cells of the airways, and F causes the virion membrane to fuse with the target cell membrane. The F protein is the major target for antiviral drug development, and both G and F glycoproteins are the antigens targeted by neutralizing antibodies induced by infection.The Mouse H-2Kb&B2M&RSV F glycoprotein (KYKNAVTEL) Tetramer Protein is a complex of H-2Kb of the MHC Class I, B2M, and KYKNAVTEL peptide of the RSV F glycoprotein.